An End to Evil by David Frum


This is warmongering propaganda. A neocon revelry of dangerous militant colonials who in their self-righteous indignation attempt to moralize their war-crimes and atrocities.

Where does "freedom" — ; the very "goal" of the war on "terror", fit into the belief that we must all carry biometrical cards? "If you have done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear!" This is is the war cry of fascists and authoritarians. It's said when they are eroding your human rights, social liberties, and attempting to brainwash and alter your beliefs for their own personal benefit.

This is the loss of freedom we face when our privacy is taken from us. This is life in former East Germany, or life in Saddam Hussein's Iraq. And it's our future as we allow an ever-intrusive eye into our personal, private lives.
Too many wrongly characterize the debate as "security versus privacy." The real choice is liberty versus control. Tyranny, whether it arises under threat of foreign physical attack or under constant domestic authoritative scrutiny, is still tyranny. Liberty requires security without intrusion, security plus privacy. Widespread police surveillance is the very definition of a police state. And that's why we should champion privacy even when we have nothing to hide.

Encouraging other Americans to "report suspicious activity" and simultaneously believing that law enforcement and immigration officers don’t have enough powers and must be given more carte blanche in dealing with the populace is the war cry of dictators and totalitarians. These are actual domestic and foreign policy recommendations from the book, and the only two I will address, for I do not have the time to pick apart the infinitude of insolent claims made.

Stalin's regime relied heavily on "mutual surveillance," urging families to report on each other in communal living spaces and report "disloyalty."

Where does truth fit into the numerous factual inconsistencies, intellectual dishonesty, and bad faith arguments in this book, written by one of the architects of one of the greatest lies, cons, and manipulations of American foreign policy throughout our history? Where does empathy fit into the American constitution that every man, woman, and child is entitled to the pursuit of happiness? I guess I missed the fine-print saying if you're Iraqi, N.Korean, or Iranian, you're out of luck and should be murdered because you have resources America needs.

Schwarz documents that war advocates like Frum still can't tell basic truths about Iraq even as they adopt the posture of contemplation and remorse. In particular, Frum's claim that Saddam maintained a nuclear weapons program until 1996 is indisputably false.
"Of course it's about oil, it's very much about oil, and we can't really deny that. From the standpoint of a solider who's now fought in the middle east for six years – my son-in-law's fought there for four years, my daughter's been over there, my son has served the nation; my family has been fighting for a long time."
Gen. John Abizaid, former commander of CENTCOM speaking about the Iraq War. "People say we're not fighting for oil. Of course we are. They talk about America's national interest. What the hell do you think they're talking about? We're not there for figs." ~ US Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, about the Iraq war back in 2007.

Empathy, freedom, and truth have no place in the ideology advocated in this "book", because this nearly 300-page rant is propaganda. It's a militarist, fascist, surveillance police-state that is as self-righteous, black-and-white, and moronic as it is ignorant and nonsensical. The only reason why Frum is "anti-Trump" now is because Trump is blatant and obvious in his xenophobia, in his racism, in his sexism, and in his cruelty. Make no mistake, Frum and co. are idelogically identical to Trumpism and Republicanism. We may only hope that a day will come wherein publishers will turn down such hogwash and opt for more informative, historically accurate, and apt analysis of foreign policy and global politics, that would be the true end to evil.